plymouth law review

Plymouth Law Review

Volume 2, Autumn 2009

16th Annual Pilgrim Fathers' Lecture:

Lord Justice Toulson Judging Judicial Appointments' 3 December 2009

Student Authored Articles:

Emma Bethel,
Environmental Regulation: Effective or Defective? Assessing whether
criminal sanctions provide adequate protection of the environment

Eleanor Kemp, Judicial Application of the Limitation Act 1980 in Claims for Personal Injury: Has time run out on the prospect of certainty in the law? 26-47

Katie Ewing, Attitudes and Responses to Rape in Light of the Low Conviction Rate 48-70

Rebecca Thorp, Saviour Siblings and the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Acts 1990 and 2008 71-94

Staff and Visiting Speaker Research Articles and Casenotes:

Sheila Dziobon, Lowery v Walker Revisited; Risks and Responsibilities; Occupiers and
Trespassers 95-111

Mike Williams, (University of Wolverhampton), The Marine Provisions of the Heritage Bill 2008 112-125

Mark Rix, (University of Wollongong), The Case of Dr. Mohammed Haneef: An 'Australian Terrorism' Drama with British Connections 126-147

Lesley Austen, Casenote: Legal Loopholes in the Law of Unintended Consequences: A consideration of the decision in Re Griffiths 148-151

Postgraduate Research Reports:

Victoria Hamlyn,
The Legal Regimes Covering Marine Renewable Energy in England and Wales 152-156

Lu Lu,
The Fraud Rule in Documentary Credits157-169

The Student Law and Criminal Justice Society Report
Fiona Bee, Annual Report of the President 2008-2009

News and Features:

Sarah Flanagan, Report of the Innocence Project 2008-9

Mark O'Loughlin, The Dark Side of the Moot: Student Mooting Competitions 2008-2009

Lori Evans Reciprocal Police and Student Advocacy Training: Two exciting initatives for the new style LPC at Plymouth Law School

Hugo De Rijke,
Law, Literature and Film Symposium: University of Plymouth 4 September 2009

Kim Stevenson, The University of Plymouth and Devon and Cornwall Police Learning and Heritage Resource Partnership